Sunday 21 March 2010


I'm being taught the penny whistle by stealth.

I felt that working for a music organisation, I should probably make an attempt to learn something - and as a child I played the recorder (show me a seven year old that doesn't) and then the clarinet (badly, and not for long). So, I thought, I'll be crafty, there's only six notes (wrong) and its very easy to carry around (the only preconception that turned out to be true).

So, since about October, I've been learning to play the Whistle. For your exciting delectation, here is a photo of me doing it in Okehampton Carnival. I am in costume.

At this point I wasn't taking it very seriously, and marching through the streets squeaking didn't seem like such a bad idea.

I should say, I play as part of an open access group - in which anyone of any ability can bring an instrument to play in a band (we also have singers - but I dislike singing a lot). Its a speciality of  Wren (the organisation I work for), because we get professionally trained musicians and complete novices playing together, and its great fun, making music seems so natural and enjoyable.

So, From not taking it seriously I've progressed to practising for hours at a time. It turns out there are A LOT more than 6 notes, and I'm learning (slowly) to play some of them.

My very crafty and wonderful teacher, Paul, is guilty of the teaching by stealth. Every week he writes me a part that's a little harder than the week before, it may have a new note, or a difficult transition between notes and because I'm part of a band, I have to suck it and learn them.

What can I say, he's good. and if its anything to do with him, eventually, I will be too!

Just another part of my sometimes-hard-to-believe Devon life. And one I am sure you will enjoy a little snigger at!

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