Friday, 19 March 2010


I am a bad blogger, this there is no denying. However, the witty post I just composed on the subject has been lost.
I have the worst luck with computers. I've been through three laptops in the past three years, and this one, a fairly cheap one - bought fast after my beautiful widescreen Toshiba was mysteriously water damaged - seems to be giving up on me.
It overheats at 10 minute intervals. No matter where it is, and let me assure you, I wouldn't dare put it on my lap any more - "the sheer audacity" it would scream, before turning itself off. 
It has also been plagued with the recurring problem of a screen which likes to break - they say its the back-light - or they did the past three times it got fixed (lets say I'm getting my money's worth on the insurance policy.). Either way, its started when its not turning itself off, the screen goes black until you push it and hit it in just the right place, at which point it comes back for a varying number of seconds before going off again. FUN!

However, this doesn't explain why I am a bad blogger. Or what I've been doing for the past month. That news, to follow.

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